Bear Republic Red Wine 750 ml

Bear Republic Red Wine 750 ml

Sold: 6,446

231.00 /bottle

Bear Republic Red Wine is a blend of various red wine grapes with a hint of purple glint. It has a rich blend of fruit flavors balanced with mature tannins that makes it soft and lively in your palate. Bear Republic Red Wine is best paired with beef in all preparations, barbecued meat dishes, stuffed pasta and hard cheese.

Origin: Spain

Net content per bottle: 750ml

Alcohol content: 13%

No. of bottle per CTN: 6

Availability: 883 in stock


Product Description

Bear Republic Red Wine is a blend of various red wine grapes with a hint of purple glint. It has a rich blend of fruit flavors balanced with mature tannins that makes it soft and lively in your palate. Bear Republic Red Wine is best paired with beef in all preparations, barbecued meat dishes, stuffed pasta and hard cheese.


Origin: Spain

Net content per bottle: 750ml

Alcohol content: 13%

No. of bottle per CTN: 6

Reserve Product

Reserve Product